Saturday, January 07, 2006

Vasco da Gama The Hero of the Frist GLOBAL NATION

Vasco da Gama

1468 (?): Vasco da Gama is born, presumably in Sines, the second son of Estevão da Gama, a nobleman. - 1497: July 8, he leaves Lisbon as the Commander-in-Chief of the fleet that will discover the waterway to India. November 18, the fleet rounds the Cape of Good Hope. - 1498: May 20, he reaches Calicut and has to deal with the hostility of the Zamorin, the local ruler. October 5, he begins his return trip home. - 1499: Late August, he arrives in Lisbon and is given a hero's welcome. - 1502-04: Second trip to India. Carries out reprisals against the Zamorin. Makes alliances with the Kings of Cochin and Cananor, where he establishes trading posts. Returns to Lisbon with heavy cargo of spices. - 1524: Third trip to India, but now holding the title of Count of Vidigueira. He is designated Viceroy of India. Tries to put an end to insubordination and abuses. On December 25, da Gama dies in Cochin.


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